quiz 3

<!– Download the graphics file below, unzip, and place in directory with quiz –> http://javascriptsource.com/miscellaneous/https://javascriptsource.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/multi-quiz.zip <!– Paste this code into an external JavaScript file named: quiz_functions.js –> /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source :: http://javascriptsource.com Created by: James Crooke :: http://www.cj-design.com */ var useranswers = new Array(); var answered = 0; function renderQuiz() { for(i=0;i<questions.length;i++) { document.writeln(‘

’ + questions[i] + ‘ ””

’); for(j=0;j<choices[i].length;j++) { document.writeln(‘
’); } } document.writeln(‘


’); } function resetQuiz(showConfirm) { if(showConfirm) if(!confirm(“Are you sure you want to reset your answers and start from the beginning?”)) return false; document.location = document.location; } function submitAnswer(questionId, obj, classId, labelId) { useranswers[questionId] = obj.value; document.getElementById(labelId).style.fontWeight = “bold”; disableQuestion(classId); showResult(questionId); answered++; } function showResult(questionId) { if(answers[questionId] == useranswers[questionId]) { document.getElementById(‘result_’ + questionId).innerHTML = ‘”Correct!”’; } else { document.getElementById(‘result_’ + questionId).innerHTML = ‘”Incorrect!”’; } } function showScore() { if(answered != answers.length) { alert(“You have not answered all of the questions yet!”); return false; } questionCount = answers.length; correct = 0; incorrect = 0; for(i=0;i<questionCount;i++) { if(useranswers[i] == answers[i]) correct++; else incorrect++; } pc = Math.round((correct / questionCount) * 100); alertMsg = “You scored ” + correct + ” out of ” + questionCount + “nn”; alertMsg += “You correctly answered ” + pc + “% of the questions! nn”; if(pc == 100) alertMsg += response[0]; else if(pc >= 90) alertMsg += response[1]; else if(pc >= 70) alertMsg += response[2]; else if(pc > 50) alertMsg += response[3]; else if(pc >= 40) alertMsg += response[4]; else if(pc >= 20) alertMsg += response[5]; else if(pc >= 10) alertMsg += response[6]; else alertMsg += response[7]; if(pc < 100) { if(confirm(alertMsg)) resetQuiz(false); else return false; } else { alert(alertMsg); } } function disableQuestion(classId) { var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName(“*”) for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++) { if (alltags[i].className == classId) { alltags[i].disabled = true; } } } <!– Paste this code into the HEAD section of your HTML document. You may need to change the path of the file. –>

<!– Paste this code into an external JavaScript file named: quiz_config.js –> /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source :: http://javascriptsource.com Created by: James Crooke :: http://www.cj-design.com */ var questions = new Array(); var choices = new Array(); var answers = new Array(); var response = new Array(); // To add more questions, just follow the format below. questions[0] = “1) JavaScript is …”; choices[0] = new Array(); choices[0][0] = “the same as Java”; choices[0][1] = “kind of like Java”; choices[0][2] = “different than Java”; choices[0][3] = “ther written part of Java”; answers[0] = choices[0][2]; questions[1] = “2) JavaScript is …”; choices[1] = new Array(); choices[1][0] = “subjective”; choices[1][1] = “objective”; choices[1][2] = “evil”; choices[1][3] = “object based”; answers[1] = choices[1][3]; questions[2] = “3) To comment out a line in JavaScript …”; choices[2] = new Array(); choices[2][0] = “Precede it with two forward slashes, i.e. ‘//'”; choices[2][1] = “Precede it with an asterisk and a forward slash, i.e. ‘*/'”; choices[2][2] = “Precede it with an asterisk, i.e. ‘*'”; choices[2][3] = “Precede it with a forward slash and an asterisk, i.e. ‘/*'”; answers[2] = choices[2][0]; questions[3] = “4) JavaScript can only run on Windows”; choices[3] = new Array(); choices[3][0] = “True”; choices[3][1] = “False”; answers[3] = choices[3][1]; questions[4] = “5) Semicolons are optional at the end of a JavaScript statement.”; choices[4] = new Array(); choices[4][0] = “True”; choices[4][1] = “False”; answers[4] = choices[4][0]; questions[5] = “6) The four basic data types are:”; choices[5] = new Array(); choices[5][0] = “strings, numbers, BooBoos, and nulls”; choices[5][1] = “strings, text, Booleans, and nulls”; choices[5][2] = “strings, numbers, Booleans, and nulls”; choices[5][3] = “strings, numbers, Booleans, and zeros”; answers[5] = choices[5][2]; // response for getting 100% response[0] = “Excellent, top marks!”; // response for getting 90% or more response[1] = “Excellent, try again to get 100%!” // response for getting 70% or more response[2] = “Well done, that is a good score, can you do better?”; // response for getting over 50% response[3] = “Nice one, you got more than half of the questions right, can you do better?”; // response for getting 40% or more response[4] = “You got some questions right, you can do better!”; // response for getting 20% or more response[5] = “You didn’t do too well, why not try again!?”; // response for getting 10% or more response[6] = “That was pretty poor! Try again to improve!”; // response for getting 9% or less response[7] = “Oh dear, I think you need to go back to school (or try again)!”; <!– Paste this code into the HEAD section of your HTML document. You may need to change the path of the file. –>

<!– Paste this code into the BODY section of your HTML document –>

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